Good Touch And Bad Touch: Teach Your Kids Today

We often keep telling our children how to be safe in different scenarios. Be alert while crossing roads, do not accept strangers’ gifts, and shout for help when stuck somewhere. But dear Parents! Are these the only scenarios where the child needs advice or caution? Not! Sexual Abuse is one such case that needs urgent attention and awareness. In today’s time, as we come across news involving child abuse, kidnap, molestation, etc, daily, the child’s awareness regarding good touch and Bad touch becomes essential.

As a parent, you want to keep your child safe and protected. Accordingly, the child must be taught to identify Good and Bad touch. This knowledge empowers the child to tackle the situation fearlessly and become more aware of their body. “But how do we train our children? How do we tell them what good and bad touch is?” Quoted as a common concern. Parents often find it difficult to take off this discussion, fearing that the child is too young for it or might get scared. And sometimes the parents do not know how to bring it up. If such are your reasons, then this blog can help!

Teach Them The Correct Names Of Body Parts

Before you introduce the concept of sexual abuse, you can start by teaching the child the correct names of their body parts, including their private body parts. This will help the child to identify the ‘no touch’ zone and describe any touch more clearly to parents or guardians. Knowing the correct words for private body parts makes the child comfortable to talk about them.

Teach Children That They’re The Boss Of Their Body

Let the child know that they control how and who touches their body. For this, the parents must acknowledge a child’s wish when they do not want to be touched or picked up. The children can be supervised to say strong denial words like- ‘No,’ ‘Stop,’ etc. when and if they do not wish to be touched. This will reaffirm the boundary that they want to set around their body.

What Is Bad Touch And Good Touch?

The first step is to recognize whether the touch is good or bad. For this, the child must be aware of the feelings associated with it. For example, you can tell the child that a good touch will make them feel cared for, loved, and important, like a pat on the head or back, an arm around the shoulder, or a handshake from friends and family. At the same time, the lousy touch can hurt their body or make them feel uncomfortable, unsafe, and scared. Like they were pinching, hitting, pushing, kicking, or touching any private area.

Good Touch And Bad Touch Activity

Children understand more quickly through the activities. Conducting good and lousy touch activities can help them develop muscle memory, recognize the touch, and raise their voice.

Teaching Kid's difference between good touch and bad touch

1. Swimsuit Method

Tell your child that the body parts covered by a swimsuit or undergarments are private, and anyone except them should not touch or see them.

2. Role Playing

This method is always effective for practising different scenarios a child may encounter. To train the child to shout and run to a parent or safe place, become a stranger in a market scene.

3. Regular Conversations

The only way to eliminate the hesitation about discussing private parts and good and bad touch is to talk daily. Asking children about their day, the people they meet, and the activities they do will let the child open up to you and give you an idea of the people around them.

4. Safe And Unsafe Secrets

Let your child know that it is okay to share secrets with parents. Tell them the difference between safe and unsafe secrets. For example, you can tell your child, “If a friend tells you a secret about their gifts and asks you to keep it, it is a safe secret. But if someone tells you a secret that makes you uncomfortable, like telling you not to tell anyone they touched you, that is an unsafe secret and must be immediately reported.”

What Do You Do When Encountering A Bad Touch?

Once aware of the good and bad touch, the child must know how to tackle it. And it must be practised. Some of the ways could be:

  • Say ‘NO’! Or ‘STOP!’ Tell the person you don’t like it and run away from there to your parents.
  • Don’t stay alone with that person ever again.
  • Scream and call for help.
  • Don’t be afraid and tell your parents about the bad touch.
  • Don’t keep secrets that bother you. Recall about the safe and unsafe secrets. Unsafe secrets must be told to the parents.
  • Please avoid people whose touch you don’t like, and speak to your parents about it.


Parents have the responsibility to teach and train their children about everything. In the fast-changing world, where the exposure for children has multiplied 10x, parents need to be vigilant of the scenarios a child may face and train them accordingly. Teaching them about good touch and bad touch is just a start. We at Little Ginnie take pride in being the best preschool in South Delhi and post such blogs daily.

FAQs: Good Touch And Bad Touch

Many kids hide away such problems with their parents due to being either too scared or lacking knowledge. Here are some frequently asked questions on good and bad touch that you and your child must know.

Q1: Difference Between Good Touch And Bad Touch?

Ans: Touches that make you feel loved and cared for are called Good Touches. It can be a hug, a pat on the head or back, a kiss, or a handshake from the people you love. Touches that make you feel uncomfortable, scared, and nervous are called Bad Touches. You don’t have to keep unsafe secrets about bad touch; you must tell your parents about them. Remember, the person who gives you a bad touch is the one who is wrong and not you. It is a Bad touch if it hurts and scares you, is a touch on your private body parts, and is an unwanted touch.

Q2: What Is A Bad Touch Example?

Ans: Here are some of the examples of bad touch:

  • It is a bad touch if a person asks you to keep unsafe secrets about them touching you.
  • It is a bad touch if a person threatens to hurt you if you tell anyone.
  • It is a bad touch if it hurts you and makes you uncomfortable.
  • It is a bad touch if it is touching your private body parts.
  • It is a bad touch if someone touches you on your body, where you don’t want to be touched.
  • It is a bad touch if the person touches you under your clothing or tickles you under the clothing, making you feel uncomfortable.

Q3: At What Age Can We Teach Good Touch And Bad Touch?

Ans: Awareness about the good and bad touch can be imparted to children early. Children of two years can comprehend touch. Hence, knowing the difference between good and bad touch becomes crucial. It will help them to defend themselves and act fearlessly.

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