Play Group


Play Group

2-3 years old

Our specially designed Play Group Program is tailored for children aged 2 to 3 years old. Our curriculum is designed in a way that it sparks exploration, learning, and socialization among children. From play-based learning to fostering language development and motor skills, we’ve got it all covered.

Play Group

liteblue wave

Comprehensive Development Milestones Of A Little Ginnie Child

Play Group (2-3 years old)

Language and Communication

Language and Communication

  • Begins forming two-word phrases or simple sentences.
  • Taking turns, listening and engaging in simple
    question-and- answer interactions.
  • Engages in pretend play and demonstrates interest in books.


  • Identifies basic emotions like happiness, sadness, anger and fear.
  • Shows a desire to do things by themselves.
  • Begins to make simple choices.
  • Engages in simple parallel play.

Socio Emotional

Gross Motor

Gross Motor

  • Walking and running with smoother & coordinated movements.
  • Begins to climb stairs with alternating feet.
  • Starts to experiment with jumping off low surfaces.
  • Begins to develop basic throwing and catching skills.

Fine Motor

  • Shows interest in stacking blocks and fitting objects together.
  • Engages in making marks on paper with crayons or markers.
  • Begins to develop self-help skills, such as feeding themselves with a spoon or fork.
  • Enjoys playing with toys that require manipulation.

Fine Motor

